
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Life in a Dgital World.....

This morning I woke up way to early.  I have had a lot on my mind and I have been trying to process it all.  I think my blog will remain the place where I let things out that I can't tell the people closest to me.  It seems like my online profile have become more censored as the days go by and this is beginning to frustrate me. Some people say just be who you are and say what you want and not worry about what others think and say.....if it were only that simple!

I think we all have evolved over the growth of social media and connecting online with people and if we really track the profiles we have had over the years you would probably be surprised.I have various profiles online and most have them had been deleted (as much as they can be) and sometimes I wonder when I get older (grandparent age) will I continue to have the same profiles that I have now. I mean I have gone through yahoo, collegeclub, blackplanet, myspace, friendster, and those are just the ones I can think about off the top of my head.

I mainly use facebook and twitter these days.  Facebook has become my way to connect with friends, family, and coworkers (past and present) but it's use is shrinking. I think it is the main page that I have began to censor. From the creating of lists to hide posts from certain groups, from using less and less each day. I would like to delete, but it is used by so many people to update about life, events, and share information about what is going on.  I use to update statuses a few times a day, but with new job it is hard to follow and read like I use to and statues are maybe once a day and they are usually generic and something random that I have seen or thought. I love facebook, but my worlds have become to interconnected and I am not liking that.

Twitter has become the place where I type whatever I feel, random thoughts feelings and ideas that pop in my head. I interact with people I do and don't know, but I feel a little less censored. Most of my real life friends and people I know do not know my twitter world....and I kind of like that. I am adding more and more people I do know, but interesting no family members, which I hope to keep that way. But the thing is with more people I know following me the less I reveal about my blog and once again I begin to censor myself.

So I wonder where my digital life will evolve to next. I wonder will people continue to read and look at what I post. I can only be me and I have to decide what I want to share with the outside world. I just hope my blog continues to be a space to let things out and hopefully sometimes inspires people to think differently or get to know something about me that most people don't take the time to figure out.

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