One guy summed up how I felt. I can agree to disagree, but I still think Palin is a moron. I even brought up the question what if Palin were black? Do you think she would be where she is in politics today? NOPE! Rather you agree or not I do feel how a person runs their home life is a good way they will run their professional life. If a black person in politics had all the same issues that have come up about her they would not be elected by a majority (not talking about black districts...that is another situation).
I am far from a political expert and honestly....I don't have the time to learn all the inner workings of government and politics. What I do know are the basics of government and what I look to in a leader and the basic policies that I stand firm on. Overall President Barack Obama exemplifies those qualities an I appreciate that. Yes he has made some mistakes and I don't agree with everything he does, but overall I think he is doing a good job. He is thinking and processing what is good for the country and doing what he feels is the best thing to do.
In some ways I want Palin to continue doing what she does, but only if the people who disagree with her go out and vote!! (we get mad, but a lot of "us" don't vote....another topic in itself). I think the clip for Chris Matthew's sums up my feelings quite well right now!
Palin is such THE moron!
She has no polices at all, she just makes up stuff to say
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