
Sunday, May 9, 2010

Dave Ramsey The Money Answer Book

This book was a great read and very short and to the point. I attended Financial Peace University several years ago and it helped me remember several things that I learned in a quick format.  Even if you have not taken any of Dave Ramsey's classes the book gives you great advice on money management and how to get out of debt. I don't agree or follow everything that he teaches, but the book and his methods give you a new outlook on how you view and manage money.

The books gives you various tips on avoiding bankruptcy, saving, and getting out of debt. Book gives advice about managing your money, setting a budget, and planning financially for your future. Some things are hard to do, but if you are able to do them you can be better of in the long run with your finances.

I am the type of person that has struggled saving money and this book and his classes have helped me to better manage and save my money.

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