Today is Good Friday that is celebrated by Christians. Day use to remember the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. This morning as I was starting my day I was checking emails and checking facebook and realized a lot of friends posted statuses about today. Statuses that inspired, made you think, and even made you laugh (appropriately).
As I was going through the statuses I began to think about what this day means to me. I have said before my faith is a big part of my life. To be honest lately I have had major battles with my faith. Not that I didn't believe, but as I attempted to learn more and able to defend all areas of my faith I began to question so many things. Which I think people should do...another blog (
read here).
As I think about this day I begin to think of some of my struggles over the last few months. I remember when I saw the
Passion of the Christ in movie theaters when it first came out. You heard the story so many times, but to see the visualization without any censors...gets to you. Those images, that story sticks in my mind to this day. I think about the price that he paid on a consistent basis. I mean I ask myself "you did this for jacked up me?" I am so thankful!!
I have said all this to say although today is a day set aside to remember the price that He paid, let us not forget this the rest of the year.
Happy Good Friday! This is a great post. It is important that we remember the sacrifice daily and not just on holidays. Have a great Easter weekend!
@LC Thanks! We have to remember daily!
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