New post on my tumblr account......
What if I were a lesbian?
What if I were a lesbian?
I don't always make sense, but I blog to vent. If people knew all the things that were going on in my head they would be shocked...not a bad shock, but a surprising shock.
You see this pic?????
This evil thing had been invading Nashville for the past coupke of weeks. It has attacked my hair, my windshield, my whole car, my face,..... I can keeo going.
They come every 13 years and stay for about a month, then they die out. They make the most irritating noise and they fly everywhere!
But they are leaving and dying out!
Don't know how long there had been this app.....but it will help me blog more and I am so excited!!!!
I live on my phone and it will allow me to post while I am out and geeked! (I am such a nerd)