I don't always make sense, but I blog to vent. If people knew all the things that were going on in my head they would be shocked...not a bad shock, but a surprising shock.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
42% of Black Women Single...So What???
I became very irritated by it and actually refused to watch it, but then I remembered something an older cousin of mine told me...you can't really comment or defend your argument against something unless you know exactly what it is about. Funny...while I was typing this blog, another blog post I read posted something similar. So I finally decided to watch it, and no surprise to me I was still irritated by the story...and this is why.
A few post ago I was talking about how I was feeling and the pain I was happening in my life. Did not go into all the details, but will reveal some of it now. I once did a post about random things about me and did not reveal the one thing that I don't tell most people about me....I have never been in a relationship or dated. Usually when I tell people they are shocked and in disbelief so I try not to put it out there unless it is blatantly asked in a question that I can't get a round, because I try not to lie. This causes mixed emotions for me, but I have learned to deal with them, the good and the bad. Have I ever been approached...yes, and honestly by men and women. Have I ever been attracted to someone...yes, but they have not felt the same way, and these people have been few (can count on one hand). Am I happy being single, at this point in my life yes, do I want to be in a relationship, yes, when the right person comes along....which leads me to why I am irritated with the post.
The clip and the women had one major flaw that I saw....Just because you are successful and are an "independent woman" does not make you a woman that a man wants to be with. Just because a man is "successful" does not make him the man that is for you. The clip also brought about statistics about black men in America...which might be true, but why do you have to limit yourself to black men? Yes that is what I have thoughts of the majority of my life, but why should I limit myself because of other's preconceived notions of who the perfect person for me would be??? I am of the mindset when it is time for me to be in a relationship, when it is time for me to get married....it will happen. I think too many people approach relationships as a business merger, which is not always good. What I want in a mate is not always demonstrated from a person's degree. Also in the clip...just because you don't fit what society says is beautiful and successful does that not mean you can't have love??? Every woman on there was described as beautiful, had great careers, and had all these "things," but once again, there are people in the world who don't have any of those and have love and marriages that have stood the test of time!!
I know what I have to offer in a relationship and the right person will value that and appreciate that. I recently realized I loved someone and could not decide if that love was more than a friend, because I know what I offer and that person could not see it so I can't continue to feed into someone who does not see that. It hurts, but I am getting better. I have said this time and time again...saying you love me needs to be followed up with actions, words are just words. I am single and good, which does not mean that I don't desire a relationship, but does not mean that I am walking around pitiful thinking about when will I get married and that might my life is incomplete without marriage...so not true. I have not always felt this way and sometimes I wonder when it will happen, but I can't lose faith that it can and will happen.
Just because I am apart of the 42% does not mean that I will always be. Why do people have such a negative stigma on being single? Hate to say it the church even contributes to it...amongst other things, but that is another post in itself.
I know my thoughts were all over the place in this post, but just needed to get it out.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Write the vision, and make it plain....
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
What makes a good wife???
Monday, December 21, 2009
To Tell or Not to Tell....That is the Question
With this being said I really debated about letting people know about my blog. I mean I use to have a link on my facebook page and I use to occassionally post links to my post, but I stopped when work, family, and facebook intersected. I sometimes have the desire to share my posts, but I don't want people reading my other posts and start asking questions.
My thoughts can be random, my thoughts can be skewed, but they are my thoughts and my feelings and sometimes I feel people are not ready to understand or process my thoughts. The other day I added my godmother to my facebook page which was cool, I have nothing bad on the page, but a situation came up. She sent me a message (which was asked by mother looking at my page with her) asking why did I not have pictures of one of my close friends on my page (which I did). This did not bother me, but made me think....I don't want everyone close to me know everything about me.
My recent posts have been personal. More than I have shared with a lot of people. I can only imagine what some people that are close to me would think if they read my blog and put two and two together??? I mean people have pieces to the puzzle, but the blog would be like the final piece....not cool. In a previous blog I have talked about some of the issues I have been having and conversations with friends. I have thought about letting that friend know about the blog and it might help the person understand better what I have been trying to say lately.
I know the thoughts above are kind of random, but they all are thoughts that I have had about telling people I know about my blog and my twitter page. Will they take the time to read it? Will they care? Don't know, but for now...my twitter and blog remain my place of freedom (as free or as open as I can be).
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Could you Survive???
Do Women really want a Thug???
I begged to differ with him. I explained to him, yes there are some women who like that, but I think there are a lot of women who don't want that and that are passed by because they do not fit this image that a man has created. I have seen in so many settings...church, out to dinner with friends, club, bar, and other venues where men who say that want a "good" woman will gravitate to the woman who looks good, but may not have any other qualities that he ultimately wants in a mate.
This past weekend a friend had a book discussion on Hill Harper's most recent book about relationships in the African American community. One major them that came up was where has "black love" gone or what is the true definition of "black love." I did find it interesting that both men and women stated that they wanted a man or woman who can basically hold it down in the board room, but they know if they were put in a situation that needed that their mate would be a "thug" or a "ride or die chick." Now I don't disagree with that statement, but I don't think that should be a major requirement. Maybe I have lived a sheltered life and I am not saying things do not happen, but I do think you can avoid situations that need that type of person. Yes things happen in life that are unexpected, but somethings you don't have to experience by making the right choices. I am 29 years old and I have never had the fear of being arrested, hemmed up in a situation that I think I might not a "thug" to handle business. You understand?
What I want in a mate might be totally different that what most people want in a mate, but I do know that I do not want a bad guy, I do not want a guy that I am afraid to walk down the street with or be alone with, I do not want a guy that I can not take home to family and friends without being embarrassed. With this being said....my trainer stated that most women want this....in my circle I find that not to be true. Most of my friends are cool, down to earth, nice, some are a little wild (in a good way), intelligent women....some are in relationships, some are married, some are single, but most do not want a thug in their life.
So my question, Do women really want a thug or do I live in a delusional world?
Monday, December 14, 2009
How I Feel
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Joy and Pain
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Last Days of Work.....
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Well anyway, I have still been working out and trying to eat better. My personal trainer is killin me!!! I got on the scale yesterday and I have lost 9 pounds, so that is a start...too many to go, plus it is the holidays. HELP!!!
Overall life is good, but in transition. I am in love...but don't know if that is a good thing or bad thing or if the feeling is recipricol...I might explain in a later blog. Making changes in my life for the better and I am excited and scared all at the same time...
We will see where this path takes me....Life is a series of lessons and I am hoping that I am not failing them and that I don't have to repeat them. Learn from mistakes and move on...my thoughts.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Affirmation of a Parent.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Why are Certain People in Your Life???

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Day One of Personal Trainer :-(
Friday, November 6, 2009
Tired of Being Obese!!!!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
This Weekend
Now....on the surface this sounds like something great, but if a person loves you the way they want to is that truly love? I mean this statement can justify so many wrongs. I love someone dearly, but he does not know, or will not show love back...or he is showing the best way he knows how, but that is not enough, because I still feel like he does not care, but it is sad I know he does....just because a person doesn't love you the way YOU want them to doesn't mean they don't love you the best way they know how
What shall I do???
Monday, October 26, 2009
Defending what you believe in....
- My pastor says....
- Bishops says....
- Whoever says....
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I always do this to myself and I hate when I do it. I had to stop in blog about it to process it out because I am really stressing myself out. I mean it is becoming hard for me to focus at work, I am contemplating some things that I never thought I would contemplate, and I am crying when there is no need to.
I have these emotions and feelings that I can't express and it is killin me!!!! I mean I keep asking myself why do this to myself? I am learning to be patient and learning to wait....it is hard. What is sad is I know the outcome....the question is when will it happen, and I think to me that is worse. It is like knowing you are about to give birth. You know the baby will be born and closer to the date you are like is today the day? How much longer do I have to wait?
I think I have written enough to calm me down and hopefully I can focus for the last hour of my main job. I have to remain focused and get myself together!!!! Hopefully I will have answers soon.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Do you expect too much out of a mate????
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
This is one of my favorite songs of all times. I am a huge Out of Eden fan and this was one of the songs that got me hooked on their music. This song got me through some hard times in college and still helps me get through some things today. If you just listen to the words and the melodies the song really says something.
I am hitting a critical point in my life and really making some difficult decisions in my life. To others they might not seem big, but to me they are. It could determine where I see my life in a few years, my career, my family, and my friends. I have been praying and thinking a lot lately and I do think I am coming to a conclusion or the begining of what direction I am going....only God knows what is in store and I am excited about what is going to happen and what is happening.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Loving Myself today!!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Music I am feeling
Monday, October 12, 2009
To feel or not to feel....

Kids on Youtube...Please be a parent!!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Life Before Social Networking Sites
Today twitter has been down ALL morning....Now this has caused a problem....It has forced me to be more productive at work...HOW RUDE!!!!
This morning I deleted my myspace page which I have had for several years. A couple of days ago I deleted my blackplanet page which I have had since FRESHMAN year of college....that has been ages!!!! I remember the various other sites I have used in the past...collegeclub, friendster, classmates, and a few more, but now I use none of them.
What did we do before all of these social networking sites???
This is the question I have asked myself lately. I guess we actually did work. I mean all of these sites started while I was in college, but I can only imagine the distraction it would have been if they were as big then as they are big now. I know for a while my current job blocked facebook and that caused me to be more productive...not to say I am not productive now, but I know I spend more time on facebook than I should. I am thankful for the option of letting select people see that you are online (my boss is a friend on facebook...she is cool, but don't want to push it).
When my internet goes down at work I am lost (not literally, but you get my drift). So much of my work is research and looking up stuff and journals online when it goes down I am screwed...a blackberry can only do so much. Then I can't communicate through my social networking sites...not cool!!
One time I tried to go one week without checking facebook....it lasted a couple of days. I think it is a mjor way that people communicate now. I think about my blogger page and my google reader that manages my blogs I read (my job is bootleg and blocks sites...reader allows me to read the blocked sites) it is one site that I think if I tried to give up for a week it would be crazy!!! This morning when I woke up I had 40 blogs to read and that is just from about 5 hours of sleep...Imagine if I took off for a week and did not catch up on my blogs.
I was hearing about a spa or vacation resort out west that takes your blackberry and cell phone when you check in. Can you imagine no communication via email, cell phone or networking sites??? What is sad a few years ago that is how we lived.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
My 100th Post!!!!

Guess what post this is??? Yesterday was a bad day for me, but I am determined to make this day a better one....so far so good. Since this is my 100th post I really have no idea what to write about. I looked back at my first post on August 31, 2007...that seems like it was forever ago. I have done this blog thing off and on since then, but have become more consistent with it over the past year.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Not Having a Good Day :-(

I had a post I really wanted to put up today, but could not find the strength to finish it. Not having a very good day...I do not like when I get moods like this. I am realizing people have to admit when they are in these moods...I can't be happy and cheery all the time.
I hope I get out of this funk soon. I know what I want to do....but I know I should not do it. I know who I want to call....but I know I really don't need to talk to that person right now. I am in one of those moods where I am tired of doing the right thing and really want to do the wrong thing...I have to resist temptation.
That is all I have to say for now...I do hope tomorrow will be better
Monday, October 5, 2009
Totally random free flowing thoughts right now....

Okay...I am having a very bad case of the Mondays!!!! This morning I woke up at the butt crack of dawn like I usually do, but today I felt like doing nothing...I mean I got up and cooked, but go to work...really did not want to at all. Then everything at work is irritating the crap out of me. That is not good.
I get in moods where I get tired of a job and I hope I am not getting in that mood. I love what I do and love how I help people....but today for some reason I am very frustrated. I am not looking for a new job nor do I want a new job, but I just sometimes feel that there is more that I can do. I have so many things that I want to accomplish and sometimes I question if what I am doing is what I want to do for the rest of my life? I love my coworkers and boss (most of the time) but for some reason today I will do not want to be bothered with them.

I tried these new products on my hair this weekend, Mixed Chicks. I think I really like them, although I am not mixed, my hair is naturally curly and it worked wonders!!!! The shop was out of it so they gave me samples...I am on call list when the new shipment comes in. Only one store in Nashville sales it, but fortunately it is around the corner from my place!!!

I vented about my job which I try not to do, never know who is reading, but oh well. Now I will vent about people that I mentor with. Some people just frustrate me so much...I can't and will not be over every project that is set forth...do I want it to be a mess, not but it is not my responsibility to oversee everything. I use to be like let me step in, but I will not. I do not think tonight will be a mess....but if it is I won't be surprised. Order??? Is that too much to ask.

Okay....I think I am done typing my random thoughts....if the layout is jacked up I will try to correct it, not very good at this. This is me procrastinating at work...Luckily a friend and I are going out to lunch!!!!
Friday, October 2, 2009
Needed a Laugh

Quote that touched me today....

One of my mentors is a celibate monk, and he says we can live without sex but we can't live without love. And there are a lot of people who have a lot of sex and never experience love, and people who never have sex [but] have deep experiences of intimacy and love.
-Shane Clairborne
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
What is Racism???

With this being stated...what does power have to do with it? I am pretty sure some of the people who did not vote for our President because he is African-American are racist and they have no power. Then you might argue that everyone has some type of power so therefore everyone can be racist.1. a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and
capacities and that racial differences produce and inherent superiority of a
particular race.
2. racial prejudice or discrimination
Just Doesn't Add Up!!!
I pray for the children's safe return and that they are okay. My problem is something is not being addressed. The clip above gives more details than my news station gave, but...it seems like people are not even worried about the fact that this is a 12 year old PREGNANT teenager!!! Am I crazy for thinking like this??? The fact that she has not named the father also concerns me. How does a 12 year old get pregnant and they do not know who the father is??? Then they say the adoptive father has them and the mother is estranged.
The pieces to this story just don't add up to me....that is all I am saying.
Monday, September 28, 2009
You Like???

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Please think for yourself.
"Men are like a deck of cards, u'll find an occasional KING, but most are Jacks!"
I paid no attention to it at first...then I went over to facebook and a few of my friends put this as their status...Then I began to think...There are just as many kings in a deck of cards as there is jacks....so his statement is flawed. Please correct me if I am wrong, even if I am it does not negate the point of this post.I wrote all this to say. Just because a person says something does not mean it is true. Just because they sound good or sound smart does not mean it is right. When I was growing up my Saturday morning cartoons had an interlude that said "Great minds think alike...no great minds think for themselves."
People lets think!!!!
I am done...back to your regularly scheduled program.
Thursday, September 24, 2009

I think about the idea of is my remaining silent condoning the behavior? We all have our own opinions and we all have the right to have them, but can people learn to agree to disagree civilly???
I will be the first to admit that I have been and can be judgmental and working on that daily, but why do people feel that other people's issues are worse than theirs? Do people not see that we are all works in progress and just because I fall short in on area does not make me better or worse than you? Life is a learning process...which I am learning from everyday.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
All I Can Do is...Pray

One of my recent posts talked about how my grandmother is getting sicker...Today my mother is putting her in a nursing home. I talked to mother this morning and she is okay, but...I don't know what to do in this situation. I want to go home to help my mother, but she says no. I want to call, but I don't want to disrupt the moving process. All I can do right now is pray.
I am a person of faith and believe in God. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I try to find the positive in everything. Every experience is a lesson. I know God knows what is best. It is hard for me to focus on work right now because all I can think of what is going on with my mother and my grandmother...and what is sad my mother has a sister who is not on board with moving my grandmother to a nursing home which brings in family drama...but that is not the point.
I am having this internal debate to call or not to call, go visit or stay in Nashville. I know if I were to go home my mother would be mad. I think I will wait until I get a call from her and then decide. All I can do at this point is pray. I think logically about so many things, but I do have a heart. I am hurting, but okay. I am at peace, but still have feelings.
Today is a rough day...but I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Back to my regularly scheduled program...work!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Why Do I Blog???

I thought about this today while I was going through the many blogs that I read during the day to break the monotony of going through numerous excel spreadsheets and access databases (don't get me wrong, I love my job...but some tasks can be tedious). As I read and looked at some of my favorite blogs they all have a theme or a general method for the postings...Then I looked at my blog. What was I, or what am I trying to accomplish with the blog.
Honestly....I don't know. I have so many random thoughts in my head and I just wanted a place to get them out. I use to blog on myspace...but rarely sign on to myspace. My facebook account has intersected business and personal so I dare not post on there (too much work to restrict various parts of page).
I know sometimes people might read my post and be totally confused...sometimes I am too. But in my posting I process things out in my mind. I get things out that I am not always able to articulate to other people. I get things out without being judged for my thoughts or looked at crazy by those closest to me that truly do not understand.
So why do I blog??? I still don't have a complete answer for that. Sometimes I would like more people to read or respond to my posts...most don't. Sometimes I wish that I would tell more people that are close to me about my blog...but then I might not be as open. Sometimes I feel like I blog to vent about things that irritate me. I guess I have various reasons...guess it is a work in progress?
So...Why do you blog???
What is Love???

Should love hurt? Is love a physical act or an emotional state of being? Why do people equate sex with love? Can you love someone enough to let them go? When you think of love why do we always think of a romantic type of love? Can a woman love a man without wanting to be with that man? Can a person every truly fall out of love with someone?
These are just a few questions that have been running through my head. Can a person love someone else if they don't love themselves? Can you have love without passion? Do people really know what love is?
These thoughts keep going through my head. I have thoughts on the subject, but not ready to express...yet. I am in love, in love with life, all the good and the bad. I love and I love hard, but what scares me is the person who I love the most does not see it and if they do they do no reciprocate that feeling. This may or not be a romantic love, but I know it is love. Can I see myself with this person...yes and no. Do I want to be with this person...yes and no. This might not make sense to most, but I am trying to process the feelings I have through my mind and soul.
So what is love to you???